Prayer & Praise -April, 2018

Dear prayer Partners, Finally Spring is here after the freezing rain and ice pellet. Thank you so much for praying for us. Here are our updates: Fractured Ribs and pinky: after eight weeks of limited motion my ribs and finger are fully recovered. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you brothers and sisters who…

Prayer Update-April, 2018

If you are seeking the will of God whether He asks you to serve Him overseas, coming Dedicators’ Fellowship meeting is good for you to attend.  The fellowship cannot answer all your questions but it provides opportunity for you to walk with other Christians and IWs in order to discern and follow His will in…

Prayer Update-February 22, 2018

Dear friends and family, 33 believers came to the gathering for those who were called to the ministry. It was obvious that some took their calling seriously. A couple with 2 young kids did their best to come. A woman came by train from Montreal just to take part in this meeting!  When she urgently…