Prayer Update-March 21, 2017

Queridos hermanos y queridas hermanas (Dear brothers & sisters), Mrs. G is struggle with her marriage and she has romantic relationship with the other man.  She knows that she commits sins and needs to repent.  Please pray for her that she is willing to repent and reconcile with her husband. I had meeting with church…

Prayer Update-March 9, 2017

Dear friends and family, Inflation is very high. Many could not afford the food they need. Many have lost weight 15 pounds. No one we know thinks the economy would recover in 5 years! One of our mentees is no longer inclined to stay in this country!  Two are taking on more jobs to support…

Monthly Report-January 2017

CHURCH 日本福岡錫安華人宣道所 REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF 2017 年 1 月 1. WHAT ARE THE ENCOURAGEMENTS IN YOUR MINISTRY THIS MONTH? 今年的春節在一月末,也是本教會成立七周年,弟兄姐妹人人都謝了感恩見證。看著他們一篇篇的見證,看到弟兄姐妹生命的成長,就讓我們傳福音的心得激勵。因這福音的確是神的大能,要救一切相信的人! 2. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN MAINTAINING YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL FORMATION IN THE PAST MONTH? 為慕道友的得救代禱。通過靈修和交通,從神的話語中支取屬靈的力量。發揮弟兄姐妹的恩賜,召開同工會制定新年的事工計畫,通過同工會治理教會,健全教會的運營。 3. WHAT HAVE BEEN THE CHALLENGES AND DIFFICULTIES YOU HAVE FACED? 因為教會人數尚少,建堂基金的積累可能還需要一個很長的時間,如何激勵弟兄姐妹對建堂和福音宣教有負擔,並甘心、樂意、持續地奉獻?這是我們在福音宣教上面臨的新挑戰。 4. HOW CAN WE BE OF…